
Shvartz & Co - Segway UMI

Segway - UMI

Shvartz consulting was recently selected by Segway, a subsidiary of the international corporation UMI, to create a custom-made website that would serve as an online catalog for the company. Segway is a renowned international technological company with a great reputation for producing high-quality products. Shvartz consulting was chosen to work on this project because of their proven track record for delivering high-quality digital solutions.

The website that Shvartz consulting created for Segway was designed to showcase the company's products and provide customers with a user-friendly experience. The website was built with a content management system called DigitalCMS, which enabled Segway to easily manage and update the website's content.

Overall, the project was a success, and the website that Shvartz consulting created for Segway is a testament to their expertise in creating effective and efficient digital solutions for businesses. The fact that a successful and internationally renowned company like Segway chose to work with Shvartz consulting is a testament to the quality of their services and their ability to meet the needs of their clients.

Project Information

  • Project Title: Segway
  • Client: UMI
  • Date: 2017-2018
  • Status: Completed

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